Kid's room and nursery

From spaceships to fairy tale lands, your child's room has the ability to transport your little one to plenty of imaginative places throughout their formative years. Whether they're playing, studying or discovering new interests and hobbies, the right décor can help support their creativity and foster their pursuits.

Here are some simple ideas for decorating for children, right from those early days in the nursery and up to when they have their very own teenager's room.

Nursery ideas

A bright and colourful nursery gives your newborn plenty of stimuli for their senses – especially when you add some carefully placed finishing touches like mobiles and wind chimes. Think outside the box when choosing colours. Soft yellows, greens, and pastel violets can give your nursery a warm hue without necessarily gendering the space. Don't shy away from shades of white either. If used as a base and accented with pastel detailing or bright textiles, your nursery could both provide a welcoming atmosphere while still blending with your home's interior décor.

Of course, traditional blues and pinks are still a classic choice – but this is your chance to put your own unique twist on tradition. Try a subtle shade of apricot or a soft aqua blue paired with silvery grey patterns for a complementary combination of colours.  

Children's bedroom ideas

As they get older and their nursery transforms into a bedroom, your children will begin to understand playful decorative themes. This is where you can unleash your own creativity on your child's room: for instance you could transform a space into an enchanted forest using natural wood furniture and spring green hues.

Boys might appreciate a nautical or astronomical theme, both of which can be based around deep blues, purples, and contrasting sparkles of yellow and white. There's plenty of opportunity to get creative with accessories when decorating for children – telescopes and fish tanks are just two possibilities, for example. 

Teenager's room ideas 

Now that they've left behind the fun themes of the children's bedroom, your teenagers will need their personal spaces to fulfil a number of roles: young adults require areas for socialising, studying and relaxing. Adding a sofa and table, as well as some creative storage space like asymmetrical blocks, will give them the fundamentals they need without cramping their style.

They have developed a better sense of their personal tastes by this age, so allow them to pick their own colour schemes – without it disrupting the aesthetic of your property. Turquoise, burgundy and deep green all allow your teenager to express their individuality and can extend beyond any particular style phase they're experiencing at the time.

If you're currently searching for your ideal family home, or simply looking to expand into a larger property, make sure to explore our residential property listings. We specialise in high-end properties perfect for established or growing families. 


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