Alternative careers for lawyers: why real estate is a wise choice

Leaving the law in search of a new career is a big step. Your next move must offer enough of a challenge to be intellectually stimulating – which is why finding second careers for lawyers can be tough. But whether you’re looking for a fresh challenge, more flexibility or greater job satisfaction, your experience will serve you well: nowhere more so than in the real estate industry.

Hamburg - If you're considering leaving the legal profession, real estate could be the perfect next step.
Find out why in our latest article:

Career crossover

Careers in real estate have a surprising number of things in common with law. Completing a property deal involves a lot of technical and legal paperwork, like coordinating title deeds, due diligence, property surveys and financial documents. The ability to construct clear, persuasive arguments is also an enormous asset when negotiating a sale and drafting purchase agreements.

Regardless of whether you transfer from property law, or another area entirely, having a strong grasp of legal processes and contract terminology is incredibly useful in real estate too. It can help to seal a deal quickly, and avoid delay and derailment in the final stages. Which is something your clients will very much appreciate.

Non-legal jobs for lawyers

It might not top many lists of alternative careers for lawyers, but working as a real estate agent harnesses your skills with an extra degree of professional freedom to control your work. You’ll still need that ability to perform under pressure as you work on each sale, adapting your schedule to meet client demands. But you’ll also have more control of your own working hours, which makes it easier to make time for yourself too.

You’ll also spend less time working on the meticulous details of each case, and more hours out of the office environment. As a real estate agent, you’ll be exploring new areas and meeting a diverse range of clients from all walks of life on a daily basis.

Less risk, more reward

Conflict and compromise are all-too familiar concepts to many people in the law profession, where applying your expertise to complex situations can often result in a middle-ground solution or even failure. In contrast, many alternative careers for lawyers, especially real estate, are all about finding the perfect solution for your client. And you’ll find you have a rewarding success rate.

As in law, you’ll use your expertise and knowledge to help your client. But rather than arguing their case, you’ll be seeking their ideal property. The patience that’s so crucial in law may come in handy, but you won’t have to endure dry spells alone. Even during tough deals, the constant, hands-on contact with your client and colleagues can be exceptionally rewarding. And that final moment when you close the deal on their dream home is even more so.

Interested in taking the next step in looking for alternative careers for lawyers? You can find out more about real estate careers on our jobs page, or gain extra insights into our work at Engel & Völkers on our company news page.

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